Welcome to Mrs. Hare's Science Class
Every student needs a Super Power and your Super Power is Science. Science is the most powerful of all Super Powers. In my class you will be inspired to become a scientist and scientists save and improve our planet, our world, and its people.
Why is Science important? |
Is science useful to every day life? |
In our science classes you will conduct experiments and through those experiments, you will learn how to think and solve problems.
Can science be fun?Yes it can!!! In science you can learn what makes it rain, you will learn how roller coasters operate, how airplanes can fly in the sky, what is a volcano and what happens when it erupts! A lot of fun stuff.
Absolutely!!! There is no aspect of our daily lives that science does not impact. Science impacts the foods we grow and eat, transportation, housing, medicine, sports. You name it and it's related to science.
Will we use the science lab?Yes we will. We will use the science lab to conduct our experiments. For example, we will have experiments on oxidation (why do applies turn brown), we will make fossils, we will make slime, and we will even build robots...lots of fun stuff!
“Your job (a teacher) is less to INSTILL curiosity than to make sure you don’t squash what is already there,” says Neil deGrasse Tyson.
All the Tools You Need to Succeed
It is important to not be absent from school. You miss too much when you are not in class. COME PREPARED TO LEARN While we will have fun in class, we will be learning so come to class everyday prepared to learn something new. PARTICIPATE IN CLASS DISCUSSIONS AND EXPERIMENTS Students who participate in class -- listen to the teacher carefully, raise your hands and answer questions, participate in all activities, you will earn good grades. I do not GIVE grades. You EARN grades by completing all assignments and doing quality work. |
To be a successful student you need to come to class with your book, notebook to take notes, something to write with, and your BRAINS. Students who just sit in class but do not pay attention or daydream and not paying attention will not earn an A in class. FOLLOW SAFETY RULES You will be using equipment such as a 3D printer, a microscope, and other cool science tools. You will be conducting experiments and sometimes you will have to wear safety goggles. The science lab is no place to play around. You must follow all safety rules to stay safe in the lab. |